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Selected Projects

We start our day motivated by our passion to develop unique projects that combine innovation with the very highest quality.

Every project brings together leading consultants, designers, and other top professionals from the required fields.

Each project is developed to tell a story based on creative yet practical concepts, beginning its exciting journey towards becoming an urban Israeli icon

רמז 28 תל אביב

Remez 28 Tel Aviv

Hagibor Haalmoni 56-62 Tel Aviv

הדמייה הגיבור האלמוני 56-62_edited_edite

Hagibor Halmoni 56-62 Tel Aviv

מחרוזת 35-41 תל אביב

Maharozet 35-41 Tel Aviv

גרינבוים נתניה

Grinboim 23-33 Netanya

בצלאל 26 תל אביב

Bezalel 26 Tel Aviv

הדמיה גולומב אחד במאי

Golomb 22-32 Holon


Who we are


Ark Group is a real estate company that initiates and develops residential projects in areas of demand and specializes in urban renewal projects under the ‘Pinuy-Binuy’ and Tama 38/2 programs.

The company was founded and is managed by David Appelstein and Matan Koch


David began his professional career in London and later ran a retail company in Belgium, moving on to manage the company’s commercial real estate in Europe. Eight years ago, David chose to continue his work in Israel and made Aliyah with his wife and four children


Matan held a variety of positions at a leading real estate company. He holds a Bachelor's degree in business administration with a major in entrepreneurship. He is a reserve duty paratrooper officer. He is married and recently became a father for the first time


We believe in hard work, attention to detail and personal involvement in every project and decision. We have years of experience and are driven by the desire to influence, innovate and create value and a home for you. We understand that the road to a successful project begins and ends with people and therefore your satisfaction is of utmost importance to us

MATAN signature

Matan Koch         David Appelstein

צור קשר

Contact us

Thank you for your inquiry - we will get back to you soon

18 Haroshet St., Ramat Hasharon
03-3106043, *5579

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תקריב חוץ בצלאל 26
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